Letter Balloons

Letter Balloons

Want a fun, easy, memorable way to say “Happy Birthday”, “congrats”, or “I love you” at your next event? Balloon letters are just what you need! With premium foil letter balloons, you can add pizzazz to your next event and get your message across. Balloon letters are a fun touch and make for great photos.

Combine balloon letters with balloon numbers to share your message at your next event. Our customers love to use letter balloons for:

Whether you are looking for helium-filled or non-helium letter balloons, our team can help you find the perfect ones for your next event. We offer a wide variety of letter balloon colours and designs so you can find the best ones for your celebration. You can count on our experienced balloon specialists to meet all of your balloon needs, from selection to design and more. We can make your big day even smoother with delivery and setup services. Schedule your consultation today by contacting us at (289) 684-2762 or using our contact form!